From My Kitchen To Yours
Easy Recipes



xWhen the pantry is bare and the grocery budget is empty, this is the meal I lean on—ham and bean soup or, as we call it in my house, ham and beans. This recipe can feed an army for just a couple of dollars, the flavor is excellent, and thanks to the Crock-Pot, the hands-on cooking time is almost nothing.


Ingredients :

1 lb package dried northern beans
ham bone, hocks, shanks or diced ham (about 1 pound)
2 tsp onion powder
6 cups water
salt & pepper to taste



Rinse and sort the beans for any pebbles.
Add the the rinsed beans, onion powder, salt, pepper, and ham to the crock pot.
Add water.
Cover and cook on low about 8 hours, until beans are tender.
Remove ham bone, shanks or hocks and pull off the meat.
Add meat to the crock pot and mix.
Serve with cornbread.

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